Map Ranking


Tribe: TG

Villages (0) Coordinates Points
Personal picture
Personal text
נחש הנחושת הועלה במדבר
לתת ישועה
לעבריינים שהצליחו להסתכל על זה
כי הם נועדו למות
בגלל מרידותיהם וחטאיהם
שהרעיל אותם בצורת נחשים לוהטים

The copper serpent was raised in the desert
in order to give salvation
to the offenders who managed to look at it,
because they were destined to die
because of their rebellions and their sins
that poisoned them like fiery serpents.

Other achievements
Years of Service (Gold - Level 15)

Play Tribal Wars for 15 years.
Unavailable until 27.02.2025.

Achievements on other worlds
World 144

High Performance

World 145

World 142

Casual 17

World 137

World 143