Map Ranking

~Valkyries Chosen~

Tribe name:~Valkyries Chosen~
Number of members:13
Points of the best 15 players14.392
Total points:14.392
Average points:1.107
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 302 (177.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Mfm.beesd 1 1,995 159 1
jvarela 2 1,391 416 1
pajsarn 3 1,369 436 1
allouchu 4 1,246 552 1
adtech 5 1,111 731 1
Luiiko 6 1,077 792 1
VostrosVikinG 7 1,052 845 1
TheBlackHorse92 8 1,012 1003 1
Toolo98 9 960 1049 1
Forge 10 845 1386 1
Lord King Spartacus 11 796 1529 1
King Beard 12 783 1571 1
ChaosShogun 13 755 1650 1
*****Our Brothers*****

An attack on one is an attack on us all
