Map Ranking

Department of noobs

Tribe name:Department of noobs
Number of members:14
Points of the best 15 players27.565
Total points:27.565
Average points:1.969
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 37.074 (19.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Army of 2 1 5,424 143 1
nicobowen162 2 4,252 212 2
LeTanque 3 2,717 384 1
blah99 4 2,639 398 1
Polo Ralph Lauren 5 2,025 693 1
edwardx 6 1,635 1004 1
Royal_Flush 7 1,621 1014 1
Atyron3 8 1,201 1615 1
lilmanoya 9 1,147 1660 1
ThomasVD 10 1,067 1758 1
Fysrad 11 1,068 1770 1
XxParadajsxX 12 1,012 1851 1
kaboomboom 13 890 2096 1
urindanger 14 867 2133 1
Third Noob Division beginner