Map Ranking


Tribe name:DOSTLAR
Number of members:11
Points of the best 15 players9.507
Total points:9.507
Average points:864
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 6.445 (132.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
ErKan 1 1,442 1391 1
Bertazoma 2 1,347 1583 1
babel8520 3 1,208 1685 1
SikiSile 4 1,176 1726 1
Azhab 5 1,108 1822 1
black0059 6 1,008 1977 1
anandkaushal 7 745 2493 1
OdunKomur 8 691 2613 1
GaeSibalnom 9 417 3354 1
Janti* 10 339 3678 1
SrNorland 11 26 6412 1
If you have any problem contact OdunKomur

Our goal is play on C46’s borderline, build there a good defense and play with good teammates.

Participations are open for everyone. If you thinking of “This is a good think for my goals” then feel free to apply <3