Map Ranking


Tribe name:HO3DE
Number of members:12
Points of the best 15 players18.833
Total points:18.833
Average points:1.569
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 2.203 (157.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
snabbis 1 3,170 259 2
nelson7santos 2 2,835 319 1
domiciozo 3 1,615 897 1
Al Ghouti 4 1,534 987 1
King Max Power 5 1,510 1013 1
Pjort888 6 1,432 1106 1
samuelt 7 1,342 1237 1
psaikopaenda 8 1,224 1395 1
Shuhail 9 1,085 1613 1
Fuuma 10 1,051 1670 1
Lord.Marcodon 11 1,036 1702 1
jang6495 12 999 1783 1
Shadows creep across the land night falls
We sharpen our blades carve our fate
Bones rattle with the rhythm of our march
War drums pounding hearts beat as one

We stand tall beneath the ancient sky
Fury in our veins fire in our eyes
Together we rise through storm and strife
Bound by blood sworn to fight

We are the horde we never back down
One unit strong we own the ground
Through thunder and fire we'll remain
Together as one we conquer the pain

Ravens soar above our heads
Whispers of legends we follow the call
Echoes of battles fought and won
Steel meets flesh victory begun

Nightwolf's howl guides our way
Through the mist and dark we slay
No fear no doubt relentless kin
In unison our fate we'll spin

We are the horde we never back down
One unit strong we own the ground
Through thunder and fire we'll remain
Together as one we conquer the pain

The Horde will only grow!
Horde List

