Map Ranking


Tribe name:UFOs
Number of members:9
Points of the best 15 players6.851
Total points:6.851
Average points:761
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 3.447 (77.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
ibsdips2025 1 1,066 1293 1
pusucom06 2 1,027 1363 1
mausakari 3 950 1531 1
Sky High 4 924 1593 1
GreenGuy1305 5 869 1741 1
Arek 6 596 2495 1
Kl3mzyy 7 508 2763 1
Yamborghini 8 488 2833 1
Mr PERFECT 9 423 3107 1
UFOs was founded by ibsdips2025. If you have questions please contact ibsdips2025.

This text can be changed by the tribal diplomats.