Map Ranking

Low Morale Turtles

Tribe name:Low Morale Turtles
Number of members:8
Points of the best 15 players3.607
Total points:3.607
Average points:451
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 8.997 (84.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Sp00NeRr 1 933 1977 1
xixax 2 885 2082 1
matej.zupanic 3 591 2766 1
Luna06 4 477 3098 1
AlexBrici 5 355 3574 1
Matt 6 193 4461 1
iiRoseJudy 7 173 4638 1
OptimismSuperchain 8 0 7135 0
Turn around bro