Map Ranking

French Empire

Tribe name:French Empire
Number of members:13
Points of the best 15 players3.830
Total points:3.830
Average points:295
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 15 (71.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
arganine 1 514 608 1
nunglpg 2 395 1588 1
Saus Kacang 3 363 1883 1
mjycrow 4 362 1893 1
Six6six 5 347 2023 1
Napoleons Imperial Guard 6 316 2270 1
Tibs 7 281 2585 1
SaTTer 8 281 2646 1
Pepper Paul 9 250 2816 1
Scorpi0n 10 232 2983 1
DiDiT 11 223 3065 1
Guest296428 12 136 3701 1
dracula12 13 130 3740 1
FE was founded by Napoleons Imperial Guard. If you have questions please contact Napoleons Imperial Guard.

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