Map Ranking

Chambermaid's Acolytes

Tribe name:Chambermaid's Acolytes
Number of members:8
Points of the best 15 players1.432
Total points:1.432
Average points:179
Preferred languages:
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
fadepower 1 221 191 1
LunteTrekkr 2 208 362 1
Bober9 3 206 440 1
UhtredRagnar 4 202 478 1
Ninjo 5 190 728 1
Knuggs. 6 165 1370 1
Tabithash 7 156 1448 1
DuskKlonoa 8 84 2302 1
The Acolytes serve as the guardians of those in need.

Forming strong alliances and defending their (allies') strongholds, no matter the cost.

This for a safe and securer society...