Map Ranking


Tribe name:Titans
Number of members:15
Points of the best 15 players5.056
Total points:5.056
Average points:337
Preferred languages:
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
De Matti 1 548 188 1
gazzaw19 2 534 211 1
stringe 3 387 1162 1
tzeiranides7 4 386 1176 1
lovapaluza 5 377 1274 1
liax 6 365 1503 1
larkineric 7 353 1558 1
paumk4 8 339 1708 1
paaz 9 330 1796 1
Evil Culprit 10 329 1926 1
sirestoner 11 277 2305 1
MocnySilnyHero 12 265 2418 1
getnepsu 13 234 2710 1
Lord Titan 14 217 2905 1
I K Season. 15 115 3714 1
TTNS was founded.

"A kingdom of heaven shall not fall, so long as faith and steel hold firm."

We are the remnants of Baldwin IV’s valiant army, the Last Crusaders who refuse to surrender to time and fate. Once the shield of Jerusalem, we now forge a new empire on these lands, wielding our swords with honor and strategy.