Map Ranking

Teamfight Tactics

Tribe name:Teamfight Tactics
Number of members:14
Points of the best 15 players11.993
Total points:11.993
Average points:857
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 29.348 (24.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
MambaXo 1 2,038 632 1
Wookstaaa 2 1,715 914 1
MBoaroff 3 1,501 1134 1
CravenRaven 4 1,230 1483 1
Jrpetty1997 5 1,092 1715 1
vsk4 6 1,018 1835 1
Winnemannen 7 830 2212 1
luggen 8 777 2330 1
spoderpug 9 748 2397 1
edwulf 10 466 3120 1
airsoftpanda 11 307 3797 1
zajken 12 190 4469 1
jeoryen 13 81 5448 1
myrddinemrys 14 0 6934 0
Teamfight Tactics

Vex wrote:

"Life is pain..."

Inactive for a week = BAN!

Use the Claim system before conquering villages ("Planner" tab).

